kit and carson were out of town for a guy's weekend at the farm so it was just me and kindle. here i am trying to convince her that we are having fun:

then we had kindle's first lesson!
granted, she almost fell over giving me a high 5, but we are making progress. :)on another note, all you mom's out there please tell me you have had one of these moments- i took carson to the dentist for the first time, and he did awesome! he sat, he obeyed, kindle was great, everyone is telling me that they are soooo good, and i am feeling TOO proud, b/c as we were getting complimented and right in the middle of the doctor saying 'carson you did soo....'
carson turns around b/c kindle had his toy and slugs her right in the gut-with a closed fist! the doctor finishes his statement with ''-you know like really slow and quiet. she screams, i turn red, carson grabs for his toy, the doctor excuses himself, and i think, what happened! nice.
Hillarious... haven't had the dentist visit yet... but I am sure they both were little angels... you must have mistaken a punch for a gentle love tap... keep the updates coming.
Cute picture of you and Kindle. I'm glad you had a fun girls weekend.
That has DEFINITELY happened in the Ballard house. One time, at the grocery store, I turned around and heard Lucy scream, turned back around to find Walker had pulled out one of her pigtails, bow and all. She was SCREAMING!
Kindle looks so cute in the dresses. I'm so glad she can wear them. The others will be too long, but I will give them to you next time I see you. (soon I hope!)
Matt and I are cracking up right now. That is greatness. I've been stalking your site waiting for you to post for DAYS. (I can't really talk because I haven't posted in a while either, but your life is clearly more action packed than mine! You have more blog-worthy things going on right now.) I love Kindle's cute little voice on that video as she walks away..."k".
I love that you are getting her started early...we've been doing the same thing since before they could walk!!!
what a cute little video. I totally know what you mean about the kids though. Emma is so sweet at church and good in class and people just can't believe she could throw a fit. If you cross her though, watch out for the screaming! What can we really do about that though?
Great video!
I added your blog to my link list, hope that's ok! :)
How fun to have a girls weekend!
I am laughing so hard right now at the dentist story. I know you must have been mortified, but keep in mind it happens to every mom at least once. The video of Kindle is adorable. I am a total blog stalker of you guys. I miss you so much. Love, Jill
gosh! you've been busy blogging! I haven't checked it since nice to catch up on you and the fam:) sorry i missed your call. i promise i will call you back asap!
miss you!
I am so proud - Kindle rocked that soccer ball!! I SUPPOSE I need to break away from facebook and set up a blog to keep in touch better. BTW - love the pic of Carson hiding his veggies - classic! If only mom and dad had capture Matt's nostril flare with spinach :)
Love ya,
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