i came across this in our i photo, and thought it was such a sweet (all too rare) mommy and daughter time when we were just swinging and holding hands-papa snapped this before we saw him! i love my little girl and pray that as she grows, so will the strength of our relationship! she is starting to hit the terrible 2's and man 'o man -she is just like her mama!:) any advice out there? i have been through it once, but i have a harder time spanking a girl on the hand to teach 'no touch!' i am trying to start disciplining earlier than with carson-i think he was too set in his ways before we realized-uh oh! we are in trouble! p.s.
shepherding a child's heart is a great read by tedd tripp!
So Sweet!!!
What a great picture!
Very sweet picture. I know you are doing a great job with Kindle. Carson is such a respectful, thoughtful little boy, you have done great with him and will do great with her. Don't be afraid to spank her, though!! Just not as hard...tksgqkmy
love that picture... very sweet.
Terrible two.. huh what does it mwan when it starts at 14 months... yikes... you need to teach me about raising a boy...the picture is priceless... i love it.
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